kindling for their own flames

People see what they want to see, it’s just the way it works. Maybe we have not evolved the ability to perceive what is entirely true. Maybe that’s how we got this far. The opinions of others can only come through what they have chosen to be. For most, they are not their own. They well up from different pots containing others ideas. Some are beautiful. Some are not so. Some are a sharp sword of compassion. Some are kindling for their own flames.

I created a piece I called Revolución Humana. Which now resides in the beautiful home and loving care of a collector from Germany. Making my heart dance, seeing its acceptance. I wanted to change the karma of the materials that I had acquired from Helsinki and Palma. Giving a new lease of life, breathing. Essentially its about the wrath of opinion that floods everything. Most peoples idea’s, are someone else’s opinions. ‘To say I don’t know is ok. They don’t know either.’ A human revolution in each single person is the ultimate revolution, where wisdom, courage and compassion are the values it’s based on. There will always be the little birds flying around our heads, though they are outside not within. Beneath the shielded mask it states, ‘Alls Here.’ The revolution begins in our hearts. The things that don’t count, go into the opinion box.


wrought Iron fence